Game Development

Good experience on Rent-A-Coder

I worked with a guy in the UK on rent-a-coder “fuchsia” who did a really great job on my AutoRPC system. It now supports 32 and 64 bit OSes, and also the Power PC (though untested). He also came up with a way to automatically support pointers. So this call, with a pointer as parameter […]

I worked with a guy in the UK on rent-a-coder “fuchsia” who did a really great job on my AutoRPC system. It now supports 32 and 64 bit OSes, and also the Power PC (though untested). He also came up with a way to automatically support pointers. So this call, with a pointer as parameter f, is now valid:

struct ThreeBytes
char bytes[3];
struct TwentyBytes
char bytes[20];

void __cdecl cFunc7(char a, short b, int c, long d, unsigned long long e, ThreeBytes* f, TwentyBytes g, AutoRPC* networkCaller)
if (networkCaller==0)
printf(“cFunc7: %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, sender=%s\n”, a, b, c, d, (unsigned long) e, f->bytes[0], g.bytes[0], networkCaller==0 ? “N/A” : networkCaller->GetLastSenderAddress().ToString());

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