Game Development

Reality Engine vs. Ogre 3D

I was really excited about finishing the MMOG networking code recently and moving over to the Reality Engine. However, after looking at and discussing it for a few days it seems like there are some serious flaws in the design of RE.

First of all, they wrote most of the game in script. This is fine, except that the script they chose was C#. Which is also fine, except that C# requires that your end-users install the .net 2.0 framework. This is unacceptable because, at least with downloadable games, users might choose not to do that. I don’t blame them. Who wants to install some bloated crap from Microsoft and slow down your system just to play a game? It’s almost unheard of for a game to require you to install some 3rd party application just to play the game.

So now I have an engine with no game code.

Doubly bad, they also used C# for their GUI designer.

So I have an engine with no GUI code.

They also tied in Ageia physics to their physics library. Which itself requires an installation of a 3rd party driver. Which is also unacceptable for the same reason. So now I have an engine with no Physics either.

I’m not going to use their networking because although they used RakNet, they did a bad job of implementing it. So I have an engine with no networking.

RE has a good renderer. Except their toolset is very limited. For example, no particle editor and support only for MAX. Oops!

At least I get support in an engine right? Nope, because they aren’t answering the forum anymore.

So I’m left with a sound engine… an input engine… not much else really. I already have a sound engine though (OpenAL). I already have an input engine too.

So what am I left with?

I guess I have the option to either continue to use Irrlicht or to swap and start over with Ogre3D (Duke Nukem Forever!). I don’t want to keep starting over but the problem with Irrlicht is they are years behind Ogre3D. I really like how well written and easy to read and use the code is. But there’s no editor and a hell of a lot of other stuff missing. I spent quite a lot of time writing my particle editor. Then I was faced with writing code to render text on the screen. And so forth. With so much time spent on low level things, it would probably be faster just to use Ogre3D. I’m on the edge at this point and saying “Fuck it” and starting over with Ogre3D. It’s a sunk cost fallacy to stay with Irrlicht just because I already spent a lot of time on it. The question is, what is the fastest way to get my game done at this point? And it’s probably starting over with Ogre 3D. Since my network code is abstracted out I lose nothing there so I’m still maybe 40% done.

Game Development

Optimizing Sofware in C++

Awesome article
Optimizing Software in C++

Game Development

Connection graph subgraph capability added

I have a connection graph which is generated by adding all immediate connections to a graph and sending that to all immediate connections. They in turn will add all their connections, and if any are added, will broadcast that in turn.

A problem that has been bugging me for a while is how to do subgraphs. Suppose you have a ring topology where each node on the ring is a server to a large number of clients. You want all clients to know about each other on the graph and the parent server to know about all its clients. However, you don’t want a particular server to know about the clients of a different server. Limiting which groups know about whom is pretty essentially for very large networks.

The way I did it was to modify the nodes in the graph to also contain a group id. Each node then subscribes to one or more group ids. For each node / edge in the graph, if that new node’s group id is not in your list of subscribed group ids, you ignore it.

It was a design decision to not forward connections which you ignore. This means that systems that are not chained in the graph won’t know about each other but without it you wouldn’t get the bandwidth savings.

Game Development

Wrote a worker thread class

Pretty useful and easy to use. You can cancel inputs before they are processed as well.

#include "WorkerThreads.h"
#include "RakSleep.h"

void *func(void *input)
char *val = (char*) input;

printf("%s\n", val);
return (void*)(val[strlen(val)-1]);

void main(void)
char *strings[9] =
{"String 1",
"String 2",
"String 3",
"String 4",
"String 5",
"String 6",
"String 7",
"String 8",
"String 9"};

WorkerThreads workerThreads;
workerThreads.StartThreads(2, 0);
for (int i=0; i < 9; i++) { workerThreads.AddInput(func, strings[i]); } printf("Input sends done\n"); void *out; while(!kbhit()) { out=workerThreads.GetOutput(); if (out) { printf("Got output %i\n", (int) out); } } workerThreads.EndThreads(); }

Game Development

RakNet slowly improving

Now that I released the “LightweightDatabase” class for RakNet I have only the load balancer to do before actively starting my MMOG. The load balancer is trivially easy. Then I will spend a few days rewriting all the documentation in wiki format so I don’t have to spend as much time maintaining it. RakNet 3.0 will mostly be just a bunch of renames, rather than new features as I planned, since I put all those features into RakNet 2.x anyway.

I’m excited to finally (nearly) start working on the MMOG. It will be a real test of my system and I’m sure I’ll find a lot of bugs at the same time.

RakNet today is making me 10X more money than it did a few years ago, although that still amounts to almost nothing. What I’m happy about is not the small money I get but that 10X more people feel it’s worth paying for than before. At any time there are several people in the forum and some posts have numerous answers before I look at them. More importantly than number of users is I can clearly see an acceleration in the number of new and retained users over time. Part of this is that I’ve been more contentious about not releasing broken builds, part is a nearly complete feature set, and part is a more active attempt on my part to give better answers in the forum.

Game Development Uncategorized

Titan quest is an example of graphics over gamplay

The problem with the growth of the game industry is that every new AAA game needs to outspend every AAA game that came before it. By outspend I mean better graphics, more sounds, more models, bigger worlds, real physics, voice acting for every character, and so on. However, game sales per game are relatively the same as they always were and games cost about the same too.

What this means is that each game is a bigger risk to publishers. There are more failures each of which cost more. So publishers need to stick to licenses and sequels because they can cost less to make (Madden 2004 vs. Madden 2005) and are more likely to sell due to an installed fanbase.

Titan Quest is a good example of how this has gone wrong. It comes on 5 CDs. The world is huge, with detailed models, voice acting for all the characters, and handcrafted levels. The problem is that the game itself is boring. Although the world is huge, the gameplay is the same the last 40 hours as it is the first hour. You don’t notice the detail on the models because you will always play with the camera zoomed out. You don’t listen to the voice acting because the voice acting is boring and too slow. Plus all the usual complaints apply: The characters are unbalanced, the game doesn’t ramp up in difficulty, the story is background filler, etc.

Diablo 2, which is what Titan Quest copied, I would guess has an equal sized or roughly smaller world. Yet it is far more fun and interesting, despite being a 2D game and coming on fewer CDs.

How many games have you seen with the latest physics which have no relevance on the gameplay at all? Other than Half Life 2 that would be all of them for me. How many older games do you know of, with 10% worse graphics that are far more fun than a more recent game?

A game is not just a contract to develop thousands of models, huge worlds, the latest physics, and special shaders. It’s an artform and iterative process to make something that is fun and interesting. Judging by recent games, very few developers seem to iteratively playtest their games these days.

Game Development

Finite state machines and why Perforce sucks

At work, we use Perforce for source control. Perforce is the most popular source control system that I know of. There are some reasons for this: it is fast, it has a lot of features, and it has good support.

Before Perforce we used Visual Source Safe. VSS has many failings. The database sometimes gets corrupted. It’s slow. It lacks features. It’s why we went shopping for a new source control system. But one thing good about it is that once you get it working and you backup your database you can mostly focus on your work. Artists can use it and programmers can use it and you don’t need someone full-time supporting it.

Perforce fixes two of the problems with VSS: it’s fast and it has a lot of features. But it brings with it its own set of problems. Before where we didn’t have anyone supporting source control, we now have a technical director supporting Perforce nearly full-time. Support drags other people, including myself, into issues. For example, I had to sit through 15 minutes of a meeting yesterday listening to a proposal for a script on how to update artists from Perforce correctly. I’ve been here two hours today and have already overheard two conversations concerning recovering from Perforce related problems. Because of usability issues I’ve stopped checking checking in more than once a month. It’s an issue often enough that when people say “Perforce fucked up” they always add an “again” to the end of that sentence. Now in all fairness 90% of the time problem is human error. But that’s part of my point – that’s 9X more problems than should be occuring. Why are there so many usability problems and why are people making so many mistakes when using Perforce? Because Perforce is fundamentally flawed in how they update their repository finite state machine.

According to Wikipedia, a finite state machine is a model of behavior composed of states, transitions and actions. A state stores information about the past, i.e. it reflects the input changes from the system start to the present moment. A transition indicates a state change and is described by a condition that would need to be fulfilled to enable the transition. An action is a description of an activity that is to be performed at a given moment.

How do you determine the conditions that must be fulfilled to enable the transition? There are two ways to do this: event driven and through polling. With event based updates, you find every situation where the event happens and trigger the condition. With polling, the state itself (or possibly the condition) will check all other relevant states to see if it should update. If so, it triggers the condition to change the state.

This is much simpler than it sounds. Let takes a hypothetical game where the player has a health value and a death animation. There is a rule where if the player’s health reaches 0, the player plays a death animation.

With event based systems, you would find every place in the code that modifies the player’s health (barrel falling on you, bullet hitting you, falling off a cliff). If, after that event, your health is 0, you play the death animation. This system is efficient but has an important problem. If a new scenario is introduced (spike trap), and the programmer forgets to trigger the death animation, your system now has inconsistent states. In this case you’d have a bug in your game where the player is able to run about, perhaps invulnerable, after falling on a spike trap. This is an especially common problem in network programming where new remotely triggered events are introduced for most actions in the game.

With polling systems, you have the destination state check its own transition triggers. So in the scenario above, once per cycle you would have the character check his own health. If, for any reason his health becomes 0 then he changes to the death animation. This is nice because now you can add as many health modifications you want and never have to worry about the player running around invulnerable. But it too has an important problem: it’s inefficient. Even when your player is inside an insane asylum, with padded walls, no bullets, no barrels, and no cliffs, you are still checking to see if his health reaches 0.

If you think about it, most computer and many non-computer systems can be envisioned as states, with corresponding event-based or polling checks. Menu systems often use event-based transitions (OnMouseClick) while AI often uses polling (Is there an enemy in front of me?). In baseball, the umpire calling “Strike!” is an event based transition while watching an instant replay to check the results uses polling to break the ball updates into discrete frames and to check each frame (Slow-motion replay) for the transitional condition.

The Perforce update system is also a finite state machine, and is event-based. Perforce, being event based, is fast but error prone. It defines a specific set of conditions to update the database. The primary condition is that you check out a file, update it, and check it in. If you deviate from this model then you get inconsistent states. For example, if you update a file locally and later update that file from source control you lose your work. If you add a file locally but forget to check it in, nobody can build the project. If you delete a file locally and later update the file is back again. There’s no way to say “Just use what is on my harddrive!” Perforce is complicated and there are many ways to get inconsistent states. If you know exactly what you are doing and never forget what you’ve done between updates you are OK. If that isn’t true (which is to say you are a human and make human errors) then you are in trouble because you are going to have problems ranging from lost time to lost work.

It’s easy to say “Just don’t deviate from that model, stupid!” and in fact some people do say that to the artists. But it’s something that shouldn’t need saying because the flaw is not in the artists but in the system.

The logical system for updates is:

  1. You have completed work on your harddrive
  2. You upload the state of your harddrive to source control.
  3. You do work
  4. Go to 1.

You don’t want to and shouldn’t have to think about source control while you are working – you only want to think about it while you are updating. The fact that you do have to is because Perforce is event-based, and event-based in such a way that if you don’t work following a certain methodology Perforce won’t update correctly. Is this the fault of the person working, or a design flaw with the source control system? I believe that it’s the latter. As I work at a game company there are many artists. Artists care about conceptual models – they don’t care about leaky abstractions such as what version control system you are using. They just want to do their art and want the game to work. As the company gets bigger and there are more artists you get more errors. Eventually you reach the point to where every day I hear coworkers complaining about problems related to Perforce and someone has to work nearly full time just supporting a tool In my opinion this shouldn’t be necessary and why I think that Perforce sucks.

For my game network library RakNet I use Sourcegear Vault. While not perfect, it supports both ways of updating (event-based and polling). With polling, it takes a second longer to scan my harddrive but

  1. I’ve never missed checking in a file
  2. I’ve never overwritten work I did locally
  3. I can do work on another computer, copy it over, and still upload and update from the repository
  4. I’ve never had to spend a lot of time recovering from a problem caused by source control

None of these things are true for Perforce and all of these things are true for Sourcegear Vault. As you get more users, Perforce gets worse because if each user has a p percentile chance of making a mistake per day, then the odds you will go a day without mistakes is (1-p)^n where n is the number of users. At p=1% and n=100 you only have a 33% chance per day of going a day without someone losing work or breaking the build directly because of Perforce.

Which is why Perforce is not suitable for large projects.

Game Development

MMOG update – found artists

I spoke to the guy running this site yesterday. The art looks good, the guy sounds professional and intelligent, his English is fine, and their rates are good. So assuming nothing goes amiss in the meantime I’ll be hiring them to do the art for my MMOG.

An added plus is we are using the same game engine so they know exactly what format I need and can test stuff before sending it to me. They also have some programming talent so I probably won’t have to spend time explaining technical requirements.

Assuming they are able to do the work (and I have no reason to believe otherwise) this solves two problems:
1. How do I find my artists
2. How do I pay for them (in this case I can pay outright or do some programming work for them).

I have a pretty clear plan in front of me now:
Finish autopatcher and miscellaneous 2.x features on RakNet [1 week]
Load balancing and clustering plugin [1 week]
RakNet 3.0 features [1 week]
Rip out the netcode from the Reality Engine and put in my MMOG framework [4 weeks]
Work on the actual game code [6 months?]
Testing and tuning [??? months]

I have no idea how long testing will take. I’ll ship it when the game reaches critical mass. A good metric is customer retention rate. When you have customers who are still playing the game after 2-3 months and your traffic is not only increasing but accelerating then it’s a good time to ship.

Game Development

Sourcegear Vault is the best version control system I’ve used

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: The more I use Sourcegear Vault the more I like it. Nifty features I’ve been using are a right click context menu “Detect new files to add”, the ability to search file by status (such as modified), and the ability to specify difference detection by CRC or by date checked out.

Why the other source control systems I’ve used are worse:
Perforce – Doesn’t have detect new files to add. You can’t search by status through the GUI (if at all?), and differences are determined only by date checked out with the exception of undo checkout of unchanged files. Also hard to use.
Evolution – Doesn’t have a merge tool so I stopped looking.
VSS – Harder to use, although much easier than Perforce. Doesn’t support any of the features I just listed.
CVS and Subversion – Create hidden directories of crap on your harddrive. I believe this is done to avoid CRC checking and to avoid having the per-user data on the server. Whatever the reason, this is unacceptable.

I like that Vault uses a real database to store its data.

The only thing I seriously don’t like is the Microsoft tie-in. Why use Microsoft’s database rather than PostgreSQL which is free? And why depend on IIS? I still don’t understand that one. IIS is for webservers and there is no reason I can think of that you couldn’t program source control without it. Because they use a Microsoft database rather than PostgreSQL and IIS Linux isn’t supported.

Game Development

Loose coupling & tight cohesion

About 3 years ago I read “Code Complete.” One of the programming tips in the book is to make your functions with loose coupling and tight cohesion.

Loose coupling means the input and output to your function are of types that are more generic, rather than more specific. For example, an int is more generic than a UINT which is more generic than MyIntClass. A function which takes an XML file is more generic than one that takes your custom proprietary format, but is less generic than a pointer to the data in the XML file.

Tight cohesion means your function does one thing, rather than many things. Joel on Software refers to this as leaky abstractions, although he was talking about API code, it’s the same principle. A function which sends a file between two systems has tight cohesion. A function which sends data between two systems has even tighter cohesion.

Architecture design, which is what loose coupling and tight cohesion is a guiding principle of, is something you learn programming architecture. Most programmers don’t know how to design architecture – not because they are bad programmers but because most programmers don’t get to write architecture and the only way you learn is by doing. You have to be in the position of writing large programs that evolve over time and have complex parts that have interrelations and work together. This is not something you learn by simply writing a large program. It’s something you learn when your large program doesn’t extend well, or you have to rewrite systems that, or your users complain about bugs and 6 months later you can’t figure out what you wrote the first time.

This is why when I read “Code Complete” 3 years ago I understood the words and the reasoning behind loose coupling and tight cohesion but I wasn’t able to put it into practice. Even though I had been programming for years already, including some small games, I had never written a large enough system to practice these skills. RakNet is finally getting large enough (60K lines of code, excluding comments and dependencies) to where I’m learning real architecture and have some comments on this principle.

The first is that it’s easy to see when you do it wrong. When your coupling is too tight, this means your function (or class) can take one type of data, where it should be able to take another type of data that is otherwise perfectly valid. Or it takes several types of data and performs conversions between them. For example, I want to use the compression of bzip2 and the binary deltas of bsdiff. Compression and binary deltas should just take an array of bytes and a length, along with some optional parameters. However, the implementations of these tools assume your data is on a file on disk. Furthermore, they are written such that they are tightly coupled to running from a main() function, rather than implemented as a set of functions that take a structure of data and happen to run from main. So now I have several hours of headache in front of me to figure out how to decouple these tools from main and from assuming they work on disk files. I’ll have to write C++ wrapper to do this and a test-bed to make sure I got it right and so forth. A big waste of time.

An example of poor cohesion was the last autopatcher I wrote, which is part of the reason why I’m rewriting it now. The last autopatcher I wrote did quite a few things:
1. Binary diff on a set of files on one computer
2. Transfer that diff in a message representing a set of diffs for a set of files to another computer
3. Process that set and find the differences on the local computer
4. Generate a list of files based on those differences
5. Compress those files
6. Transfer those files back to the requester
7. Unpack and write those files to disk, creating directories when needed.

It did all these things, but the problem was all this functionality was contained in one class. So later on, when I just wanted to transfer a set of files and write them to disk on another computer, I basically had to do it by hand. Another time, when I wanted to compress a set of files, again I had to do it by hand. Sure, I could have looked at the code I had and copy / pasted to make things faster, but it wasn’t like I had a nice function I could just pull out (the functionality was too tightly coupled).

An architecture with good cohesion, which happens to be the way I’m rewriting it, finds the the set of minimal functional units that comprise an activity. One functional unit is generating a list of files. Another is writing a list of files to disk, taking a list of files as input. Another is transmitting that list of files over the network. Another is compressing that list of files. And so on. So that later on, when I want to use a list of files for a different purpose, I have the code already there and it didn’t matter that I originally wrote it for an autopatcher.

How do you know if you’re writing good architecture? If you didn’t have to spend some serious time thinking about the architecture, coming up with solutions, and discarding those solutions for better solutions, then you probably aren’t. Designing good architecture is hard because you are programming (in your head) in general and solving unknown problems. If you spend an hour changing the functions around for header files you are probably working on architecture. If you are writing code, you are probably not.

A good indicator of when you are using good architecture is that you are able to build up on previous successes and so accomplish a lot with much less work than if you were to write your solution from scratch. A trivial example is where you wanted to display an ordered list of names. One way to do it is to allocate an array, sort this array, and print out the names. Another way to do it is to use a previously written ordered list class that takes a template for your type, then iterate through that list. Another way is to use the same ordered list class, but extend it with a print function, and then just call that.

If you ever encounter the scenario where you have a huge problem to solve and do so with surprising ease because of something you wrote in the past you are benefiting from good architecture.

Design Patterns is a good reference to read about this subject.