Interesting story about a guy trapped in an elevator for 41 hours. Security guards took that long to notice him, and then tell him what buttons to press to get the elevator moving again so he could get out. After that he goes on vacation for 8 weeks, wouldn’t return to work because it would jeopardize his 25 million dollar lawsuit, and loses his job. In the end it took 4 years for the lawsuit, he got “barely six figures”, lost his apartment, and is unemployed.
Don’t get me wrong, being trapped in an elevator for 41 hours is a terrible experience, and the security guards were beyond negligent since there was a camera on him the whole time. The guy could have lost his life from dehydration. But in our entitlement society it seems like the first thing anyone thinks of anytime something bad happens is “Who can I sue?”
I can understand going on vacation for 4 weeks. I can understand getting some money to cover lost wages, medical expenses, and a fine against the security guards for stupidity. But to intentionally not to go back to work just because you don’t want to give the appearance that you are mentally fit… now you’re just a greedy bastard looking to win the legal lottery at someone else’s expense. It’s like the case with Max Payne (the computer game) where the developers had to pay millions in legal fees to defend against some wrestler. Well maybe not, but every time I think of a ridiculous case I’m reminded of that.
Back when I was a teenager I used to go to the public library after school. They had those swivel doors that you would pull open and they would slowly close behind you. One time this old lady opens the door, takes one step forward, and just stands there for about 3 seconds until the door hits the back of her heel. She immediately starts shrieking at the librarians demanding they call the police and an ambulance. All the while she was standing there unharmed, and the door’s impact probably wouldn’t have cracked an egg. Call the national guard! I still wonder if she was just an idiot with a bad temper or yet another abuser of the system.
So at the end of that article I guess we’re supposed to feel sorry for the guy. But I don’t. He didn’t deserve to get trapped in an elevator. That wasn’t his fault. However, the greedy lawsuit and his corresponding actions were. And in that, he got just what he deserved.