Newegg sucks. I just spent $920 on computer parts that I ordered on Monday and got on Friday despite the fact that it was shipped with 1 day shipping. The $120 motherboard arrived DOA. Now to get my money back, I have to accept a $20 “Restocking Fee” although I don’t know why you’d restock a defective motherboard. On top of that, I had to pay $10 to ship it back, plus my gas and time to get to the post office.
In my opinion, a retailer should be responsible for the parts they sell and if a part is defective the retailer should absorb the cost to correct the situation. What right do they have to charge people for defective goods? It would be like if I went to Fry’s and they told me “If this part is broken, you can have your money back, but we get to keep 15% to put it back on the shelf.” As it is, they put the defective parts back on the shelf for free 🙂
The cost of buying from NewEgg was about $200 less than if I had bought the same parts from Fry’s. But if you consider all the time and money I spent because of the defective parts, plus the headache of waiting for the parts, I would have been better off just paying the $200.
8 replies on “Newegg sucks”
i agree buddy….manufacters should be responsible of the things they sell, totally agreed.
I an so tired of lousey service. The bigger they get the worse it is.
Not to mention the extortion of $2.99 every shipment just to have it shipped on time..
Yes they sold me a case for $105 bucks. When I open the box, it was obvious that the side of the case and paint jib was defective.
An Ram later I am suppose to pay about 45 bucks 15: restocking fee and insured shiping.when I objected after many email they said they would take it back, Great but 1 year later I still have it and they say “we took it back, paid shipping, gave you a 50 buck off next perches and free overnight shipping on you next perches.
Guess what not one of there Promos have ever been met. I still have no useable case, they still have my money, and they say we will make it great, sill a year later and no joy.
Bruce Raynes
yea I agree you shouldent have to pay for something that wasnt even your fault :\
Oh yeah…I had the same trouble as well…they sent me 2 dead motherboards, neither one sealed, and they stuck me with a restocking fee. And the DVD burner was dead as well. From here on out, I’ll pay a few extra bucks to have a local shop put together the CPU/MB/RAM/Case and have them pull up the BIOS before I take it home. I can add the rest myself. I would have had my new PC a month sooner without this hassle. Oh well…we all learn a lesson about being “Penny-Wise, Pound Foolish” as life goes on.
Newegg has never done that to me. If you explain that it is DOA (and contacted them within 30 days), they would have taken it back w/o restocking. I’ve returned many items w/o any problems (other than time, and shipping back). Shipping is reasonable, since they had to ship it to you, and now you have to ship it back. They’re even willing to give you a full refund (unlike stores with “full refund minus shipping). Newegg has never failed me.
Newegg blows and/or sucks. I have only had bad experiences with them. Their prices appear to be good until theres a problem and then they aren’t such a good deal at all. The first lousy experience I had with them was an SD card I bought from them that literally began disintegrating a week after it arrived. Newegg would not take it back and told me I had to go thru the manufacturer in Korea! When I got a hold of them they claimed it was not their card even though it had their sticker on it! So that was over a hundred bucks down the drain.
The second time Newegg showed how much they suck was last week. It had been years since the SD card experience and I was concerned about buying from them but I thought I’d give it a shot. They shipped me a bluetooth headset that would not work with my phone. At first they refused to take it back and only offered an exchange which of course was useless. Finally they agreed that as long as it was unopened they would refund my card. They got it back and guess what? They charged me a $15 restocking fee on a $60 item that was completely unopened. Newegg sucks and I will never buy from them again.
For the last month I’ve been attempting to order a DVD/CD burner which they haven’t had in stock. I did an “auto-reply” but after a week no notification came. I “chatted” online with them, and they assured me that the “ETA” will be in two days. Never happened. Waited a week more, chatted again: will be available in four days. Never happened. Telephoned today, was told to do an “auto-notify”, and that the “screen says it will be in tomorrow.” I’m going to hold my breath.
I’m guessing they don’t really want customers. Who knows, maybe they’re going out of business soon and just don’t give a damn…