Game Development

MFC = Garbage ++

MFC is an IMMENSELY buggy and bloated piece of crap. I spent the entire weekend just setting up the damn project for Christ’s sake. 1. Kept getting a crash when quitting an Active X control – it’s a known bug in the compiler and I’m a novice user that encountered it 10 minutes in. 2. […]

MFC is an IMMENSELY buggy and bloated piece of crap. I spent the entire weekend just setting up the damn project for Christ’s sake.

1. Kept getting a crash when quitting an Active X control – it’s a known bug in the compiler and I’m a novice user that encountered it 10 minutes in.
2. Couldn’t compile due to various library conflicts
3. DirectX 8 kept loading some stupid library that was removed for 5 years now. Had to upgrade to DirectX 9
4. Overriding the Run function flat out doesn’t work.
5. The registration utility crashes and fails to consistently remove dead projects.

I’m having these tremendous, undocumented show stoppers time and time again. If you search for the same linker errors they are ALL OVER THE NET.

Of course what I’m doing is very advanced so you can’t blame them for missing a few bugs. In one case you have to:
1. Create a default project
2. Run it

Another is even more complicated:
1. Create a default project
2. Add one line of code that doesn’t do anything
3. Run it.


Was this even tested? Why does anyone use it?

One reply on “MFC = Garbage ++”

> Why does anyone use it?

Why are you using it? What’s that old gag:

“Joe was asked why he kept playing at the rigged poker game. He shrugged and replied ‘It’s the only game in town’.”

Pretty much sums up the whole Windows thing. It’s a feedback loop; software’s written for Windows because it reaches a big market, it’s a big market because everyone uses Windows, everyone uses Windows because all the software’s written for it.

All us users can do is complain loudly every time we find a bug. Would the Microsoft world domination plans be so bad if they actually wrote good software?

Probably not; look at Google.

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